Why the fight against Ebola and other endemic infectious diseases in Africa is futile can be deciphered in the following statements from a recent article by Denice Grady appearing in the New York Times:

  1. “Fearful of being confined in isolation units, people have avoided testing and treatment.” Msg = build trust

  2. “They do not want outside interference in rituals around death and burial.” Msg = promote safer cultural practices and avoid the mindset of always wanting to eliminate cultural practices

  3. “Many wonder why outside aid has flooded in for Ebola, but not for malaria, diarrhea or other common, debilitating diseases that afflict many more people.” Msg = sometimes research should address what people want addressed first not what is scientifically trending

4.” Some have asked aid workers where they were when militias were carrying out massacres of civilians.” Msg = always be aware of underlying factors esp politics and political stability

  1. “They hear constant advice to wash their hands, but nothing about the lack of soap and water,” Msg = listen and fix what the community needs first hand (enables of compliance to control options)

  2. “They see their relatives sprayed with chlorine and wrapped in plastic bags, buried without ceremony. Then they see their possessions burned.” Msg = its not about eliminating cultural practices but its about making them safer

  3. “The lesson is clear: Guns and public health don’t mix,” Msg = self explanatory

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